Qi is the core concept of Feng Shui design. Feng Shui follows the classical Chinese meta-physical concept that regards everything as being composed of Qi. Thus, all physical objects and all surrounding space are bodies of Qi.

Qi is the core concept of Feng Shui design. Feng Shui follows the classical Chinese meta-physical concept that regards everything as being composed of Qi. Thus, all physical objects and all surrounding space are bodies of Qi.
Another way to look at health is to look at the level of energy. It is important to examine how abundant the qi is. The abundance of qi is like a summary indicator for all sets of parameters. Where there is abundant qi, there is abundant life, and abundant health.
Chi, the very essence of the universe, manifests in three aspects: as matter, as energy, and as information.
In China, the idea of Chi-Energy permeates everyday living. Without the word Chi (氣) many common Chinese phrases
could not exist.
Wholesome form reflects unity. “Form defines energy” is the fundamental concept of Form School Feng Shui. Wholesome form means there is an unity, not broken or fragmented form. Wholesome form provides wholesome energy.
In our previous note, we mentioned that water quality can be assessed through the form or image of the water.
In the 1960s, the German scientist, Theodor Schwenk, the author of Sensitive Chaos, developed a “drop picture method” for studying water.
In 1990, I participated in the first Water Symposium held in Washington State (in the US). About sixty scientists and inventors participated in a discussion of the question, “What is good water?”
Most people approached this from the point of view of physics: they talked about the pH, oxygen content, molecular size, purity, conductivity, surface tension, and so on. These are all things that can be measured and put into numbers.
What is beauty? What is the experience of beauty?
Philosophers, both in the East and West, have tried to address this subject: in the West, Plato and Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Hegel; in the East, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Chuang Tzu, and more recently Cai Yanpei, Wang Guowei, and Zhu Guangqian.
In an earlier article, we said that everything in the universe is composed of Chi. It has matter, Chi energy, and information (consciousness or thought). These three aspects exist together.
Chi energy can be recognized through form, that is, the material manifestation. Different forms manifest different Chi. When the form is wholesome, the Chi is wholesome.
17: Understanding the Four Features
Feng Shui study is the study of the quality, quantity, and the coordination, of the Four Features: Mountains, Water, Flat Land (Energy Spot), and Guardian Hills. Let’s discuss the quality and quantity of these features.
15: Form School 101 – Feng Shui Concept
We have already discussed the basic concepts of Feng Shui. The diagram below summarizes these concepts in terms of the two pillars of thought that support Form School Feng Shui.