Taras Litvin Fengshui

Interior Space Feng Shui Design Course #2

Feng Shui Certification Level 1

Tuesdays & Thursdays, from June 11, 2024 | 7:00pm Swiss time

Register for Interior Space Design Course #2 today: fengshuibluemountain@gmail.com

Explore the art and science of Feng Shui with expert Taras Lytvyn. Immerse yourself in traditional principles and learn how to seamlessly integrate them into modern design and lifestyle, continuing the esteemed tradition of Master Shan-Tung Hsu and Blue Mountain Institute.

Course Details:

  • 5-Week Live Webinars: Engage with Taras Lytyn’s teachings over ten enlightening sessions, with each class offering a dynamic blend of instruction and interaction.
  • Timing: Tuesdays & Thursdays, June 11 – July 11, 2024, 7:00pm – 8:00pm Swiss time.
  • Interactive Learning: Each session includes a Q&A session, ensuring personalized engagement and clarification.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Explore topics ranging from Form School Feng Shui to Yin-Yang Theory, Space Arrangement, and more.
  • Accessible Replay: Can’t make it to a session? No worries! All classes will be recorded and available for playback, ensuring you never miss a moment of insight.

Feng Shui Certification – Fundamentals Course #2

This is the SECOND course in the three-course certification. The first course named “Feng Shui Fundamentals #1” was in April-May 2024. The third course “Business and Office Design #3” will be scheduled later.


The teachings at Blue Mountain Institute are truly an awakening experience. Not only does this institute represent originality and purpose, there is absolutely nothing out there like it! After years of seeking the truth about Feng Shui and learning the methods of different school systems, I can say that the teachings of traditional/form school not only make sense, but without a doubt represent the truest embodiment of the principles our ancients intended for us to have, providing us with invaluable knowledge that proactively and positively guide us through time in this journey we call life. Thank you, Taras. I feel blessed to be a student of Blue Mountain Institute.

– Jessennia Nin, CEO at Nin Realty LLC

Join Us Live for an Exclusive Feng Shui Course

We’ll convene every Tuesday and Thursday via live Zoom Video Webinar, with Taras Lytyn personally leading each session. Students will have the opportunity to interact and pose questions using their microphones.

This Course #2 is accessible to all Feng Shui enthusiasts and design professionals seeking to deepen their understanding. Rest assured, each session will be meticulously recorded and accessible for playback, allowing you to stay up-to-date even if you miss a live session.

In this Interior Space Design Course #2 you will learn:

  • Feng Shui principles of Good Private House
  • How to apply Feng Shui principles to Multistorey Building
  • How to improve the whole Apartment
  • How to enhance “good” energy in a bedrrom and children room
  • Taras Lytvyn has 23 years of experience in this field and some topics may be addressed spontaneously based on the needs of the students.

This Certification course provides special attention to each individual student. Hence, during live sessions, students’ microphones are open and there is a direct interaction between students and Taras Lytvyn so that he is able to answer all questions.

Moreover, after each webinar all students will have a bonus: Questions/Answers.


“To find out if something is true, for me, it has to be true in all scopes. The Form School Feng Shui fundamentals course helped me to see the true Feng Shui. Taras Lytvyn teachings are practical and very wholesome for anyone to get the thuth of Feng Shui. I’m very grateful to be able to learn from the tradition of Dr Shan Tung Hsu with the guidance of Taras. This course have been enlightening, now I can say I see with new eyes. I’m looking forward to continue learning in this fascinating dance that combines energy and matter.

– Lida Torres, Retired Mechanical Engineer, TaiChi practitioner, Yoga Instructor

Registration Fee for this Course #2 Includes:

  • Attendance to all 10 sessions taught by Taras Lytvyn (in-person Live Webinar).
  • Video recordings of each lecture.
  • A PDF file of the Course’s slideshow.
  • Around 15 minutes dedicated to Questions and Answers.
  • Personalized Review of assigned case study during the course (reg. value $800)
  • Qualification to attend the next Course #3 in the Level 1 Certification.
  • The schedule of Course #3 will be discussed and planned during Course #2.

Taras Litvin Fengshui

Interior Space Design Course #2

Every Tuesday and Thursday, 7:00pm – 8:00pm Swiss time

  1. Private House I – Tuesday June 11, 2024
  2. Private House II – Thursday June 13
  3. Multistorey Building I – Tuesday June 18
  4. Multistorey Building II – Thursday June 20
  5. Apartment I – Tuesday June 25
  6. Apartment II – Thursday June 27
  7. Bedroom I – Tuesday July 2
  8. Bedroom II – Thursday July 4
  9. Children Room I – Tuesday July 9
  10. Children Room II – Thursday July 11

1 lecture = $40. Totally 10 lectures = $400

If you pay for the Course-2 before June 10, 2024, the cost will be $350 for 10 lectures ($35 per lecture)

Register for Fundamentals Course #2 Today: fengshuibluemountain@gmail.com


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