Feng Shui consultations provide guidance in selecting and designing wholesome living and working environments. It helps creating wholesome spaces for business success, harmonious relationship, good health, prosperity and over all happiness of life.

Feng Shui consultations provide:

• Site and building selection
• Schematic design for new construction and remodeling projects
• Blue print analysis
• Interior and exterior designs
• Garden and landscape planning
• Business image analysis and design
• Strategic planning
• Chi-Energy analysis and enhancement for work and living space
• Career and financial issues
• Health and relationship issues

Business Consultations

• Evaluate current or potential locations to make sure the energy of the site will nurture business success
• Analyze the energy of commercial buildings and provide recommendations to enhance employee morale, increase productivity, and promote growth.
• Provide guidance in layout and interior design for more efficient work flow, better communication, and improved work performance.
•  Create strong images and designs for company logos, business cards, ads and promotional material.
• Trouble-shoot factors that may contribute to personnel problems or restriction of growth.

Private Residence Consultations

• Provide guidance in purchasing or renting the right dwelling.
• Help with site selection and new construction design.
• Offer layout and design guidance on remodeling projects.
• Recommend improvements to enhance energy for both  interior spaces and exterior environments.
• Analyze energy flows to identify problem and find solutions for financial, career, health, and relationship issues.

Certified Blue Mountain Feng Shui Consultants

South America
Hong Kong