It is my pleasure to announce that I have appointed Taras Lytvyn as a Supervisor of Blue Mountain Institute.

It is my pleasure to announce that I have appointed Taras Lytvyn as a Supervisor of Blue Mountain Institute.
Another way to look at health is to look at the level of energy. It is important to examine how abundant the qi is. The abundance of qi is like a summary indicator for all sets of parameters. Where there is abundant qi, there is abundant life, and abundant health.
The Lunar New Year or Chinese New Year 2023 (also known as Spring Festival in China) ushers in the Year of the Rabbit on January 22. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022 radically changed the world.
The bedroom affects health, relationships, emotions, and child bearing. As a place for rest and replenishing energy, the bedroom should be cozy and private. In order to have abundant energy, a bedroom should not be oversized.
Everything in the universe is an interaction of Yin and Yang energies. The manifestation of the universe itself is nothing but a result of transformations arising from the interactions of Yin and Yang. The traditional way in which these interactions are summarized is in the familiar Tai Chi diagram.
Many in the West were initially introduced to feng shui which was based on the bagua concept. Analysis was done by superimposing a bagua diagram onto a house floor plan.
Traditionally there are two schools of Feng Shui thoughts in China: the Form School and the Compass School. The Form School often referred to as the Landscape School is the most traditional feng shui school. It focuses on assessing qi energy from the form of the landscape pattern as well as the form of man-made buildings.
Doctor Hsu teached us the method of Qigong Tapping which helps to improve health, become stronger and more energetic. Please watch the demonstration of this effecetive health complex by Taras Lytvyn, Blue Mountain Institute consultant.
Chi, the very essence of the universe, manifests in three aspects: as matter, as energy, and as information.
In China, the idea of Chi-Energy permeates everyday living. Without the word Chi (氣) many common Chinese phrases
could not exist.
The book “Feng Shui: Truths, Myths & Misconceptions” written by Dr Shan-Tung Hsu and Jenny Nakao Hones is now live on Amazon. Special offer for e-book will be on April 30, 2022: You can buy the e-book for $1.00.