Welcome to Blue Mountain Institute!
Blue Mountain Institute, formerly known as Blue Mountain Feng Shui Institute, was established to transmit the knowledge of how to work with Natural Laws and Chi? Natural Laws are regarded as the highest guidance of all aspects of human endeavors and Chi is the very essence of the universe.
Blue Mountain Institute originally focused on environmental design, transmitting these teachings of Feng Shui, in particular traditional Form School Feng Shui.
Since its founding in 1990, the Institute has gradually expanded beyond environmental design, to include health and personal growth. Health is now a more urgent universal concern. The MindBodyChi Health Workshops presented by Dr. Hsu, is based on the ancient Eastern wisdom of self-healing. The program follows natural principles of being simple and easy, and can be enjoyed by all ages.
Personal growth workshops incorporate communication for relationships, inner alchemy, meditation and self-reflection.
Students from all over the world have benefited from Dr. Shan-Tung Hsu’s popular classes, Mastery Certification Program, or International Workshops.
We all strive for prosperity, good relationships and business success. We all want to reside in a living environment that nourishes us with good health, harmonious relationships, career success, and overall happiness. While Blue Mountain Institute teachings encompass all these goals, it guides us to live to a higher plateau of life success.
In harmony with nature, in tune with the heart
is the guiding philosophy of the Blue Mountain Institute.
“I’m a marketing professional who has taken every course at Blue Mountain Feng Shui Institute. The beauty of Form School Feng Shui is that the core principals can be applied to almost anything; whether it’s marketing strategy, space design, or logo design, every single day I rely on the solid principals of feng shui that I learned from Dr. Hsu.”
– Christy Raedeke